Accountancy Payroll Specialist

We prepare payrolls for many clients. We use up to date software and our clients can be sure that the payroll remains confidential. It is not being prepared by someone who could commit fraud. We prepare payrolls for businesses with one employee, perhaps a controlling director, upwards.  We of course handle the on-line filing to HMRC.

Payslips and P60s are distributed directly to employees electronically, although we can still prepare conventional payslips for you to print out.  The documents are then permanently available to the employee with the advantage of eliminating requests for copies. 


We can complete the documentation required by the Pensions Regulator when required, although most clients do this for themselves.  We can also handle the various letters and notifications sent to employees; these are sent by secure electronic distribution.  Where pension arrangements are involved, we charge an extra £2 per payslip per month.

We normally charge £10 per employee per payment date; for example, six employees paid monthly would cost £60 per month. We also charge £10 for each joiner or leaver for dealing with the necessary paperwork including producing form P45.

We produce forms P60 etc. A small additional charge for each payroll is made for this service and for general administration and carry forward, usually about £50 per year.

For payrolls with more than 10 staff, the rates are open to negotiation and a fixed monthly fee can be agreed.

We regret that we cannot deal with weekly payrolls.

Contact us for professional Payroll Services in Hampshire You will be in good hands.

Your Professional Payroll Clerk

Our Chartered Accountants in Hampshire, just outside Andover and Salisbury in Wiltshire, are here to give you professional Payroll assistance, bookkeeping, and Inland Revenue help.

Call 01264 513 040
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Houghton Down
SO20 6JR

01264 513 040